Enriching Lives
We are dedicated to the protection and conservation of the areas in which we operate, as well as to improving the quality of life of the communities who live in and around them. The Trustees of the Conservation Travel Foundation have a deep understanding of all the areas in which we operate and they endorse the concept of responsible tourism that promotes conservation and development initiatives. Ultimate Safaris raises an additional 2.5% of our commercial revenue for conservation, and the funds produced are used for projects approved by the Conservation Travel Foundation. These projects range from assistance for rhino and predator conservation programmes to the improvement of school infrastructure in remote rural areas.
In effect, this means that all those embarking on any programme arranged by Ultimate Safaris and our trade partners give tangible assistance to the Namibian people in their efforts to achieve economic viability without harming their natural habitats and wildlife. This is done by utilizing both on a managed and sustainable basis which also allows for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations. We believe that successful conservation depends on meaningful partnerships with the communities who live in and around the wilderness areas in which we operate. Sharing the benefits involved with the people who open their hearts to welcome our guests into some of the world’s most beautiful natural locations is the only way we know of to ensure that these places can be conserved for our children – and for our children’s children. For more information visit www.conservationtravelfoundation.org.
Enriching Lives

Pack For Conservation
We have partnered with Cymot in an online portal (www.ultimatesafaris.na/pack-for-conservation) which allows you, the guest about to travel to Namibia, to purchase much needed field uniforms and equipment for Rhino Rangers in Namibia on a discounted, cost recovery, basis.

Lionscape Coalition
In March of 2019, the Lion Recovery Fund formed a new initiative that is good for lion recovery and for business. The Lionscape Coalition allows Africa’s top tourism operators to take a lead in supporting on-the-ground conservation work and to encourage visitors to support efforts to secure the future of lions.

//Huab Conservancy
Our operations in this area, which was previously devoid of any tourism presence, have brought about huge benefits to both the community and local conservation efforts through conservation levies and the support of the Conservation Travel Foundation.

Doro !Nawas Conservancy
As part of our contribution to the local community, Ultimate Safaris operates the Granietkop Community Campsite on behalf of the Conservancy on a pro bono basis, ensuring maximum profits for this Conservancy venture. This is in addition to the concession fees and conservation levies that are also paid.

Namib Tsaris Conservancy
Our operations here are helping to finance years of intensive work to reverse sixty years of inappropriate farming practices on private land, including the removal of 120 km of internal fencing, the installation of wildlife watering points, the improvement of road networks, the rehabilitation of land and the reintroduction of wildlife that was indigenous here in the past.

Grootberg Primary School
Our involvement in this rural primary school dates back to 2008, and the support provided covers upgrades to canteens, the provision of mattresses and blankets, the planting of citrus trees, the equipping of a fully-fledged computer centre, and the set-up of a volunteer teacher programme along with the building of the infrastructure required for this to work.

Little Bugs
We have helped to support of educational programmes for children as well as a self-help programme for all community members. The latter is aimed at teaching the skills necessary for creation craftwork that can then be sold and thus used for generating revenue for the overall communal benefit.

Bunny Cottage
Our support for this orphanage takes the form of the provision of food and other supplies that help allow those running this programme to offer as much as possible of what is needed by these disadvantaged children in the course of their daily lives.

Save The Rhino Trust
We are proud to have been supporting Save the Rhino Trust (SRT) since our inception, helping to fund both operational costs and rapid response actions. We have also financed the construction of anti-poaching camps in Damaraland, and these have proved to be a game changer for curbing poaching in the area.

Rhino Ranger Programme
We finance the //Huab Conservancy Rhino Ranger programme, which provides teams devoted to anti-poaching and rhino monitoring efforts. We also provide incentives for individual rangers in order to encourage excellent performance.

Desert Lion Project
We have provided funding to help cover operational costs in the development of the Lion Guardian Programme, including the building of lion proof kraals (enclosures) in areas of potential human–wildlife conflict. We have paid for GPS satellite collars to allow further study of the movement and behaviour of these ‘desert lions’, and we have now also provided funds to purchase a new research vehicle and to assist with the implementation of the Early Warning System for rural communities in affected areas.

North West Human Wildlife Conflict Management Plan
We provided funds for the establishment of the Early Warning Rapid Response Unit which provides fully mobile units who assist affected communities in time of conflict with lions. This contribution has gone towards the funding of vehicles and their associated running costs as well as salaries of the response units.

Africat Foundation
We have worked with the AfriCat Foundation for many years, and our involvement has included regular donations to the operation of their Annual Health Checks for the animals concerned. We also contribute to research efforts working towards the conservation of predators in Namibia at large.

Giraffe Conservation Foundation
Giraffe are now one of the most threatened species in Africa and this is not well known. We have therefore helped finance the collaring of desert-adapted giraffe on an annual basis. The information gathered as a result aids important research into the species, and results in the implementation of important conservation measures.

Rare And Endangered Species Trust
The species concerned are the African wild dog, the pangolin, the dwarf python, the spotted rubber frog, and the Cape griffon vulture. The support provided is on request and in the form of ‘emergency’ funding as needed during times of crisis.
Funds Raised

Our Retreats
Our retreats are conservation impact investments, pioneering environmental sustainability, community development and conservation.

Onduli Ridge
Signature Retreat
Onduli Ridge, named after the resident giraffe of the area, is built at the base of two south facing granite outcrops which are connected by a ridge.

Camp Sossus
Immersive Exploration Retreats
Camp Sossus is built in a naturally formed amphitheatre of a south-facing granite outcrop within striking distance of So

Camp Doros
Immersive Exploration Retreats
Camp Doros is deliberately small and intimate, and it is located in a core area for desert adapted black rhino with activities largely focused on finding the black rhino with an experienced and qualified Rhino Ranger team.

Galton House
Urban Retreat
Located in Windhoek and named after the famous explorer Sir Francis Galton, Galton House has a relaxed but efficient sty

Meru Camp
Mobile Retreat
Rectangular Meru tents (4m x 3m and 2.5 m high) with built in groundsheets and mosquito screens on all doors and windows